Sunday, August 5, 2012

Books are the Ultimate Dumpees

“Books are the ultimate Dumpees: put them down and they’ll wait for you forever; pay attention to them and they always love you back.” 

by: Robert Joseph M. Isles
When I was young, I love comics. It actually came out to be my favourite hobby collecting superhero comics particularly Spiderman, Batman, and what else? SUPPPPPERMANNNNN! (I actually got a little “S” bangs during that time and put a blanket at my back.)  I HATE reading extensively long black and white books. I HATE published materials which do not have pictures in it. I totally, severely, brutally, rigorously, ferociously, inhumanely HATE them. To cut a long story short, I WAS NOT BORN A BOOKWORM. 

It all began when I was in third grade and was asked to represent our school at a science quiz bee in our district. I was so depressed because I was assigned to read thick piles of boring, monotonous history books! Goodness Gracious! They we’re so heavy, and thinking of my height that time, it’s not easy. And carrying them in my knapsack EVERYDAY---suffering. During that time, I was not focused and told myself that winning that contest won’t help me and engraved to my mind that after the contest I’ll throw them back to the library and shout “GOOD RIDDANCE!”

Two weeks before the contest and was scolded by my grandma for not doing my task in reading the books. I did not obey her. Instead, I watched television the whole weekend. The next day, I was I was disciplined by my mom and dad. I was so sluggish but I have no choice but to read them the whole night. I was shocked when I enjoyed the first three chapters of the first book. But for a young man like me, two weeks was impossibly enough to finish (and memorize) them. I was so disheartened that I was only able to read a book and five chapters of the second one. During the contest I got chills they’re multiplying and I’m losing control (wow! GREASE). I only got the 13th place and do you wanna know how many are we in the contest back then? 15! SO EPIC! JUST GREAT!

That failure didn’t let me put my guard down. I just prayed and said to myself: I SHALL RETURN! Do you know what I did when I got home? I CRIED A LOT. But with determination and guidance, a year after, I won the second place. But I wasn’t able to compete in the regionals due to diarrhea. BOOM!

Many years gone by and my interest in books intensified. I am able to read books with the generous help of my pocket and sometimes, parents. I am not a mom-dad-give-me-money type of guy. If I can afford it, I’ll buy it on my own. Reading books benefited me too much in terms of my vocabulary, reducing stress and improving my memory. I so love books. It helps me to escape the reality and bring me to a new world. It’s so ironic to think that a thick black and white book can give you colourful experience and make you imagine worlds that you didn’t knew ever exist. Books are one of my best buddies and they helped me to create new friends who have the samedesire especially the YA novels.

Reading is one of the best hobbies a person can have. But it’s saddening to know that majority of us aren’t introduced to the fabulous world of books.Why don’t you read now? No time? No money?
If you think that you don’t have enough time to start reading, you’re wrong. How do I know? Because we make time for the things that are important to us. How much TV do you watch? How much time do you spend trawling the web? You could easily replace reading with those activities.

If you’re worried about the cost of books, check ‘em out at the local library. And even most bookstores have book sales every season. Take advantage!

There’s really no excuse to start reading on a regular basis. The benefits far outweigh the costs, and more knowledge never hurt anybody.

So when you got bored, grab a cup of coffee, curl up on your chair and start reading. Turn the pages to explore a new world filled with information and ingenuity.

I’m Robert and reading is my passion.

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